
Mas Llop English Camp is an English Activity Camp designed for children from 6 to 12 years of age (born between 2006 and 2011) which takes place in during the month of July.
We offer outdoor educational activities where the main objective is to present educational, leisure, sports and adventure activities in English, within a rural setting. Our educational programme is based on total immersion into the English language presented by native teachers from Saint George’s School. The monitors and teachers communicate with the pupils in English at all times. The activities, educational programme, sports and adventure sports are carried out using English as the main language, which provides the children with a fulfilling language experience throughout their stay.


Els objectius generals de les Colònies en Anglès són:


The activities are varied and all geared towards learning English as the principal language, based on specific objectives according to the needs of the group and each child’s knowledge of the language.
Activities are carried out in the morning, afternoon and evening, as well as during free time when students can use all the facilities offered at Mas Llop under supervision.

The principal activities carried out are:


Our menus are prepared by a specialist and supervised by a dietician. They are prepared in our own kitchens which allows us to adapt to any specific dietary requirements. If a child is allergic to any food type the menu can be adapted with a month’s notice before the activities begin.


Please contact us using the following form or call us on 972 48 02 07 or 638836007. (from 9:30h to 18:00h)
You may also reserve a day and time to visit Mas Llop. Call times (09:30h a 18:00h)

Mas Llop

Veïnat de les Mateues s/n,

17455 Caldes de Malavella, Girona

972480207 - 638836007

FINALIDAD: Atender la solicitud del usuario.
LEGITIMACIÓN: Consentimiento del interesado.
CESIONES: No se prevén cesiones, excepto por obligación legal o requerimiento judicial.
DERECHOS: Acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, limitación, portabilidad, revocación del
consentimiento. Si considera que el tratamiento de sus datos no se ajusta a la normativa, puede acudir a la Autoridad de Control (www.aepd.es).
INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL: aviso legal y política de privacidad

Would you like to work with us?

From Mas Llop we would like to thank you for your interest in working with us. To register as a candidate, please send your CV to the following email address: info@masllop.es

Mas Llop Activity Camp

Casa de colònies Mas Llop
Veïnat de les Mateues s/n 17455
Caldes de Malavella (Girona)
Tel. 972480207 - 638836007
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